Web Directory / Health / Diseases
Health : Diseases
Disease Directory
1 - 16 of 16 entries.
Adult ADHDFind out the differences between childhood and adult attention deficity hyperactivity disorder, as well as treatment options that are available.http://www.adultadhd.net/
Cancer Chemotherapy InformationFind chemotherapy information and educational resources, including chemotherapy side effects, for cancer patients and caregivers from chemotherapy.com.http://www.chemotherapy.com
CAPS Family ConnectionsInformation on cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) and a screener survey regarding patient symptoms, including familial history of symptoms and existing diagnosis of CAPS.http://www.capsfamilyconnections.com
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia TreatmentLearn about a treatment for CML for adult patients with chronic myeloid leukemia who no longer benefit from or cannot tolerate Gleevec.http://www.sprycel.com/consumer/imatinib-intolerance.aspx
CML LeukemiaLearn about chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), its symptoms, phases as well as treatments for CML.http://www.mycmlcare.com/
Free Diabetes AlertProvides information to help improve the quality of diabetes care, increase the understanding of the disease, and motivate people to request for help, change life style and engage in self-care.http://www.free-symptoms-of-diabetes-alert.com
IbsTreatments.comFind out about irritable bowel syndrome in children, adults, and the elderly, as well as what can be done to control it.http://www.ibstreatments.com/
Learn About Frequent UrinationEnablex is a medication proven to treat symptoms of Overactive Bladder (OAB). Learn about Overactive Bladder, frequent urination and bladder control.http://www.enablex.com
MS Symptoms and Treatment of Multiple SclerosisInformation about multiple sclerosis symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Learn about MS, the various treatment options and MS caregiver support.http://www.avonex.com
Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms and MS TreatmentLearn more about multiple sclerosis symptoms and treatment options.http://www.msactivesource.com
myfortic - Kidney Transplant MedicationInformation on anti-rejection medication myfortic and resources on kidney transplant. Learn about anti-rejection drug myfortic, a delayed-release tablet medication.http://www.myfortic.com
Osteoporosis Treatment with ActonelActonel prevents and treats osteoporosis. It is an oral monthly osteoporosis treatment approved to help prevent fractures at both the spine and other areas where fractures commonly occur.http://www.actonel.com
Parkinsons Disease MedicationOffers information about Stalevo, a medication for the treatment of Parkinson's disease symptoms, as well as resources for patients, caregivers, and professionals.http://www.stalevo.com
Seizure ControlLearn about a treatment for partial-onset seizure control.http://www.vimpat.com/seizure-control.aspx
Thrush in PregnancyLearn what the symptoms of thrush are, what causes it, and how to treat it.http://www.pregnanthealth.com/thrush-in-pregnancy/
Ulcerative Colitis Treatment & SymptomsUnderstand what ulcerative colitis is and the various aspects of the condition, including treatment, diet, and maintenance therapy.http://www.asacol.com